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Harris: Voter Made ‘Important Point’ About Trump Putting Minorities in Camps

Harris: Voter Made ‘Important Point’ About Trump Putting Minorities in Camps

The desperation is off the charts.

So, does VP Kamala Harris think former President Donald Trump will put minorities in camps?

Sure sounds like it according to the answer she gave to a voter during a podcast with Charlamagne tha God.

BOBBY FROM GEORGIA: Could you please respond to Trump’s claim that he’s going to use the alien? Enemies act of 1798 to round up immigrants if he wins the election. This law was last used to put Asian Americans in internment camps during World War II, and I have a sneaking suspicion that if Trump wins, he.’s going to use this law to put anyone that doesn’t look white in camps. And I’m scared.

HARRIS: Yeah. You’ve hit on a really important point and expressed it, I think so. Well, which is? He is achieving his intended effect to make you scared. He is running full time on a campaign that is about instilling fear. Not about hope, not about optimism, not about the future. But about fear. And so this is yet another example. Look what he did in saying about those legal immigrants in Springfield, Ohio…were eating their pets.

And by the way, the hypocrisy of it abounds because on the issue of immigration, let’s be clear. Some of the most conservative members of the United States Congress, working with others, came up with a border security bill, which was the strongest, toughest border security bill in a long, long time. It would have put 1500 more border agents at the border. It would have reduced the flow of fentanyl into our country, which is killing people all over our country of every race and background. It would have allowed us to do more work on prosecuting transnational criminal organizations, which I have done in my career.

Trump got word that that bill was afoot, knew it would fix the problem and told his buddies in Congress to kill the bill. And you know why? Because he would prefer to run on a problem instead of fixing a problem, and he’s running his campaign in a way that he does.

These rallies where people, by the way, walk out, and does these rallies to try and instill fear around an issue where he actually could be part of a solution, but he chose not to because he prefers to run on a problem instead of fix a problem. And we got to call it out and see it for what it is.

The Trump campaign responded, “Unless you are an illegal alien gang member, you have nothing to worry about.”

You can tell all the Democrats have their talking points.

Former President Bill Clinton spit out the same rhetoric about that stupid border bill yesterday in Georgia: “Now Trump killed the bill. The bill was being written by senior Republicans in the Senate and he killed the bill.”

Congress filled the bill with pork.

The bill also would have done nothing for border security:

  • Codify catch and release
  • Allow up to 1.8 million illegal aliens to enter before temporarily closing parts of the border
  • Funds sanctuary cities and NGOs sending illegal aliens to the country
  • Expands parole
  • Increases green cards

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    inspectorudy | October 16, 2024 at 2:53 pm

    Harris has reached the point in her campaign where she will say anything, no matter how outrageous it is. She is now flat-out lying daily. She and anyone who has read this wonderful border bill know it was a joke and wouldn’t have solved anything except amnesty and more judges to process illegal entry into the US. Oh, BTW, it also had in it $40,000,000,000 for Ukraine! Can you imagine what kind of border we could have for $40,000,000,000? One last thing and that is the 385,000 CHILDREN that have gone missing under Biden?Harris.

      henrybowman in reply to inspectorudy. | October 16, 2024 at 10:13 pm

      She does have one advantage: the enormities occurring under her administration every day have now grown so bizarre and unthinkable, that when Trump reports them accurately, she can easily claim that he is OBVIOUSLY lying because the incidents he reports are simply unimaginable (though true).

    ThePrimordialOrderedPair | October 16, 2024 at 3:00 pm

    The Trump campaign responded, “Unless you are an illegal alien gang member, you have nothing to worry about.”

    All illegal aliens should have something to worry about. They have no business being here, at all. They are invaders. ALL ILLEGALS>

    I know that Trump understands this and that he is tempering the rhetoric for the end of the campaign because the dems are lying about everything and this can wait. But we all know that the invasion extends FAR BEYOND just the career criminals who are part of the invading force, to the whole force (and to those who orchestrated this invasion of America).

      Idonttweet in reply to ThePrimordialOrderedPair. | October 16, 2024 at 4:23 pm

      The Alien Enemies act of 1798, 50 U.S.C. §21 thru 24, can be invoked in time of declared war or invasion or incursion by a foreign nation or government.

      Don’t misunderstand, I’m in favor of deporting the illegals and barring them from ever obtaining legal resident status or citizenship via naturalization. But, unless the gangs and illegals can be directly tied to actions by a foreign nation, I’m not sure how THAT ACT can be used as justification to deport them.

        CommoChief in reply to Idonttweet. | October 16, 2024 at 6:01 pm

        A Nation State declaring a State of War with the USA isn’t required to stage an ‘invasion’ especially considering the context of 1798.

        Ironclaw in reply to Idonttweet. | October 16, 2024 at 6:44 pm

        The Mexican government has been known to assist those Invaders coming to our border. At the very least, even when not assisting they weren’t trying to stop them either. It was quite clear if you’re just passing through they will let you.

          Idonttweet in reply to Ironclaw. | October 16, 2024 at 7:05 pm

          And if they can make a case that it constitutes an invasion or predatory incursion by the Mexican government, they could probably make a case for expelling illegal Mexicans under the Act.

    ChrisPeters | October 16, 2024 at 3:05 pm

    That’s right. ALL ILLEGALS.

    Every illegal alien should be deported. Repeat offenders should be put in prison and forced to do hard labor.

    Ironclaw | October 16, 2024 at 3:12 pm

    As long as it’s illegal aliens being rounded up and there deported shortly thereafter I have no problem at all with camps. Should have happened years ago

    Peter Moss | October 16, 2024 at 3:14 pm

    Funny, last numbers I saw showed that the overwhelming majority of Americans wants illegal aliens gone.

    And if that means they’re held in custody until the next plane arrives, I’m perfectly fine with that.

    As to the Japanese internment camps, that was FDR. He was a democrat if you had forgotten.

    JohnSmith100 | October 16, 2024 at 3:42 pm

    Regarding fentanyl, one of my ex wife’s brother had 3 sons, 2 have died this year from fentanyl over doses this year. Their parents were low class, low performers, so that is probably a factor.

    The Gentle Grizzly | October 16, 2024 at 3:46 pm

    If Trump starts up Operation Wetback 2.0, the news outlets will show nothing but brown-skinned folks and make this a racial matter.

    Fred Idle | October 16, 2024 at 3:47 pm

    Democrats (and their Big Media brown shirts) continue to refuse to distinguish between legal and illegal migrants, in large part because they refuse to distinguish good and evil.

    I thought it was the Democrats who had discussed sending US to re-education camps.

    Sanddog | October 16, 2024 at 3:53 pm

    It’s already illegal to come across the border without permission. It’s illegal for American companies to hire illegal aliens. We have laws on the books that this administration is refusing to enforce while they demand new laws.

    Watching Harris speak in PA. Her dupes actually believe her lies and hatemongering, as she pretends it’s Trump that is the threat.

    windyfir | October 16, 2024 at 4:05 pm

    When did candidate Trump become an already elected official able to kill any bill? Without the word salad I’m thinking this whole thing was a rehearsed call, and answer.

      henrybowman in reply to windyfir. | October 16, 2024 at 10:04 pm

      So unelected Trump had enough power from the sidelines to kill a bill that elected Bidela didn’t have the power to get passed.
      Not at all a good argument by Kamala for why she should be president instead of Trump.

    scooterjay | October 16, 2024 at 4:12 pm

    It is a shame they can’t dig up Gene Wilder and Richard Pryor.

    scooterjay | October 16, 2024 at 4:14 pm

    Covid, anyone?

    I remember when 50% of Democrats wanted the unvaxxed thrown into camps

    destroycommunism | October 16, 2024 at 4:51 pm

    dont forget it was

    queen lefty itself>>fdr who did the interring not to mention making it illegal for americans to own gold and then being able to legally enter your home to confiscate

    destroycommunism | October 16, 2024 at 4:54 pm

    when asked if brown skinned ice border patrol agents were ever going to get an apology for the fjb harris lie about them whipping people

    harris said

    hold on
    I have to make a salad

    scooterjay | October 16, 2024 at 5:08 pm

    How To Set Racial Relations Back Seventy Five Years by Kamala Harris.
    Turn it around and see what happens.

    Near the end of their two-hour discussion (which is well worth listening to) Tucker Carlson says, “Let’s say Trump wins three weeks from today. What happens? … As you said, a lot of Democrats believe that Trump becoming president is the worst thing that could ever happen.”
    “I say this not flippantly,” Mark Halperin explains before adding: ”I think it will be the cause of the
    greatest mental health crisis in the history of the country.”

      CommoChief in reply to Neo. | October 16, 2024 at 6:09 pm

      Probably true. Look how much the DC establishment, Acela corridor flipped out in 2016. Then they managed to use Covid as cover for election ‘irregularities’ in ’20 to push Biden over the top in three swing States by 80K votes. Then J6 apoplexy. Then all the civil suits, indictments and other law fare BS.

      The d/prog wokiestas thought they finally buried DJT but they didn’t. He won a competitive GoP primary and is now at worst breaking even and likely a bit ahead. If the electorate pushes him to victory again in ’24 they gonna lose their damn minds. Their whole worldview will come into question b/c they can not fathom how DJT could win.

      Ironclaw in reply to Neo. | October 16, 2024 at 6:49 pm

      I welcome that outcome

    Subotai Bahadur | October 16, 2024 at 6:05 pm

    Leftist totalitarians will always do exactly what they falsely accuse their opposition of doing. If the Left retains power expect a Laogai, a GULAG, or Konzentrationslagern [remember, Nazi was the abbreviation for the National SOCIALIST German WORKERS Party] to arise on our soil. By the way, for those who would point to the camps for the Japanese in this country after Pearl Harbor as justification; the president who did that was Roosevelt, a Democrat.

    Subotai Bahadur

    henrybowman | October 16, 2024 at 10:10 pm

    “Look what he did in saying about those legal immigrants in Springfield, Ohio…were eating their pets.”

    Subsequent research has determined that based on demonstrated competency metrics alone, it is the pets who should be eating the Haitian immigrants.

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